Background Info Beaches across Miami-Dade County have been closed since mid-March. The first closures were limited to the entertainment district in South Beach and were meant to curb rowdy crowds of Spring Breakers. Later, as the fear of COVID-19 was realized, the closures were extended to other areas of the beach, and finally full closures of all beaches in the…
Tag: Surfrider Foundation Miami

How to Reopen a Beach: COVID19 Guide and Resource
Safely restore access to our beaches This guide and resource were developed so that Miami Beach and other municipalities can reopen their beaches safely after closures brought about by the Coronavirus (COVID19). It is relying on the experiences of “on the ground” enforcement staff, thought leaders for coastline access, and the cumulative experience of other places that have already reopened…

Talk Story: Episode 18
Brad Wells of ThankYouSurfing and Christian de la Iglesia of F1RST | Division Wynwood discuss surf and culture. Special guest: Marley Puglielli. A/V and Editing: Caleb Wishart. This episode includes: – Weekly Local Happenings – Surf Report/Forecast – Bali – Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico – Boogie boarders vs. surfers in Puerto Rico – Social media in surfing – Wave…

Talk Story: Episode 17
Brad Wells of ThankYouSurfing and Christian de la Iglesia of F1RST | Division Wynwood discuss surf and culture. Special guest: Joey Bananas. A/V and Editing: Caleb Wishart. This episode includes: – Weekly Local Happenings – Surf Report/Forecast – What do you do when it goes flat? – The reality of surf travel destinations – Traveling with guys vs girls vs…

Talk Story: Episode 16
Brad Wells of ThankYouSurfing and Christian de la Iglesia of F1RST | Division Wynwood discuss surf and culture. Special Guests: Annie Tworoger, Amy Cobb, and Jennie Pickens. Cameos by: Kai Tworoger, Juliana and Tristan Marqueza. Sound Effects: Jovann Guillermo Lopez. A/V: Caleb Wishart This episode includes: – Weekly Local Happenings – Surf Report/Forecast – Girls in the Lineup – Dating…