S3E01- Tales from the Coral Cay Blimp – Season 3 Premiere

Join Brad Wells, Caleb, and a group of friends in Season 3 of the Thank You Surfing Podcast as they discuss the resurgence of Miami’s surfing culture post-COVID from a bus converted into a home. This episode explores the evolution of surf culture, the impact of financial flows on technology and innovation, and the significance of inclusivity within the community. Reflecting on personal experiences, the history of their surf shop, and insights from various guests, they delve into challenges like inconsistent waves and the long learning curve of surfing. 

[00:00:00] Caleb: Welcome to another episode of the Thank You Surfing Podcast.

[00:00:18] Brad: Alright, you guys ready to do it?

[00:00:19] Caleb: I’m ready.

[00:00:20] Brad: Okay, uh, shit, how did I used to start this? Um, uh, oh yeah, yeah. I’m Brad Wells. That’s a good start from Thank You Surfing. I got Caleb. From Thank You Surfing and the Coral Cave Blimp and from Planet Earth and some other planets at times I’ve guessed to.

[00:00:44] Brad: Um, and, uh, we’re doing Talk Story. This is season three, episode number one. It’s been a long time, we’re a little rusty, so, um, hopefully, uh, this will go smoothly, or at least fun. Um, we’re [00:01:00] outside the old fur shop, where we started doing this thing, and, uh, in a vehicle. Uh, how big is this thing?

[00:01:08] Caleb: 20 foot bumper to bumper.

[00:01:10] Caleb: How many passengers was it Al?

[00:01:11] Alia: That we have right now? Oh, our max is like between 10 to 12. So I feel like we’ve beat that record so far tonight.

[00:01:21] Brad: Yeah.

[00:01:25] Brad: And um, yeah, so this is in a bus that has been converted into a home. And, uh, we’re doing a podcast in it outside of where we used to do the podcast, which was a retail location that our friends ran and owned for many years. It was beloved by all, um, except for maybe one or two dummies. Um, and, uh, yeah. And so we did a podcast out of there for a bunch of years and then our friend passed away tragically.

[00:01:50] Brad: And, uh, I don’t know, it’s time to do the podcast again. And the bus was here and Caleb was here and I bought all this podcast and crap. So. It was time to put into use [00:02:00] and, um, we got a bunch of people in the bus with us, so if we could just maybe like go around in some sort of fashion and do a little intros and then you guys are all in this, by the way.

[00:02:09] Brad: So, um,

[00:02:10] Caleb: everybody’s on the show.

[00:02:11] Brad: You’re, you’re all in the show. That’s kind of the whole idea of the new show format. And we’ll get into that in two seconds. Uh, so why don’t we go, Mr. Felipe.

[00:02:22] Felipe: Hi guys. It’s a pleasure to be here with you guys to return. To return here. It’s been a while and honestly, I’ve missed everybody’s energies together.

[00:02:34] Felipe: It’s not quite the same not having the surf shop anymore, but you know, keeping it moving. We’re here doing it. Keeping it grooving.

[00:02:42] Brad: Pass the microphone, my friend. Who we got next?

[00:02:44] Alex: My name is Alejandro or otherwise known as Alex Martinez. Born and raised in Miami. And I love these people. I love these people I’m here with, surrounded with.

[00:02:56] Alex: I’m very grateful to be here.

[00:02:58] Brad: And our, uh, [00:03:00] security guard over here. Yeah.

[00:03:03] Raul: It’s, uh, Bobby Coase, a. k. a. Bobby Juice. I’m not technically in the bus right now. Uh, but, uh, happy to see everybody here. He doesn’t

[00:03:11] Caleb: quite fit. He’s the only one too tall. That’s right, I don’t fit.

[00:03:16] Robert: Alright, let’s

[00:03:16] Brad: keep these

[00:03:17] Robert: intros going.

[00:03:19] Brad: Uh,

[00:03:20] Robert: my name’s Robert Friedhoff. Uh, grew up here.

[00:03:23] Alex: A. k. a. Beryl. Beryl.

[00:03:24] Brad: Yeah, you, uh, you may have seen him, uh, on things such as Surfline, Cam of the Day, or Clip of the Day, or whatever it’s called, Way of the Day. Way of the Day. Somethin of the Day. Gettin roasted by all Not Soup of the Day. Roasted by all my Roasted?

[00:03:36] Brad: It was a good one. Keep the microphone movin

[00:03:39] Robert: Skateboard’s rollin through. Very fitting. Um,

[00:03:43] Sofia: I’m Ari. I don’t know, like 90 percent of the people here, but it’s good vibes. Everyone seems super nice.

[00:03:50] Robert: Um,

[00:03:53] Sofia: I’m Andrea. I’m from New York and I was raised in Columbia and happy to be here. Yeah. [00:04:00] [00:04:02] Brad: Sophia. Hi

[00:04:03] Sofia: guys. Um, my name is Sophia.

[00:04:05] Sofia: Some of you guys may know me as Vida. I go by both. Neither is wrong. Um, I’m really happy that you’re back in town. And I’m happy that you guys are doing this. I think it’s really important. And I hope you don’t stop. Oh,

[00:04:19] Brad: thanks. I don’t think we’re going to. Hello, hello,

[00:04:22] Rudy: hello. Je suis Rudy Dubois. Uh, from Hialeah.

[00:04:28] Rudy: I, uh, I love surfing, but it’s dead. Uh, hola.

[00:04:35] Raul: That was

[00:04:36] Brad: a

[00:04:37] Raul: pretty good intro. Wonderful. I can’t follow that up, whatever. Uh, I’m Raul, uh, a. k. a. RenaissanceLens out there. And, uh, yeah, super stoked to be here. And, uh, to join you guys here. The entire surf fam. So, stoked. After police. After police. Don’t understand.

[00:04:54] Raul: The pro

[00:04:56] Brad: po. Al, thanks for hosting us. Big

[00:04:58] Alia: Al, yeah, of course. Hey, [00:05:00] guys. It’s Alia, also Big Al. Stoked you guys are doing this. Stoked to be a part of it and happy to host you all in our little humble abode here.

[00:05:09] Brad: It’s beautiful.

[00:05:10] Alia: Yeah.

[00:05:12] Brad: Alrighty here. Um, keep it over there. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, so we started this podcast years ago basically because, um, our friend Chris that used to be partners in the shop with our friend Mark, um, came to me and was like, Brad, we should do a radio show.

[00:05:26] Brad: And this is like 2000, like, 18 or something. And I’m like, We’re going to do radio. What about a podcast, Chris? And he’s like, I don’t even know what that is. And I was like, me neither. So we looked it up and then we kind of figured out that we could do it super easy, uh, relatively, and we just put a phone on a stand and talked in front of it and people showed up and then we did it again and like people showed up in person and they came, he came like a little party and, uh, next thing you know, Caleb volunteered to like do audio visual and there was just like microphone stands and wires and cables.

[00:05:57] Brad: And then like, there is. [00:06:00] Chairs and an audience and it got kind of wild. Um, and uh, we did two seasons of it. We did it like weekly for a long time. Um, and then we went monthly because it just became like really hard to keep up with it. The outside

[00:06:12] Rudy: guest here. Oh, a new guest. Yeah, we got a quick intro.

[00:06:23] Carlos: What’s up? I’m Carlos. You know, long time. Just, wow. He’s back. You don’t feel the pressure when you’re on the mic. Yeah.

[00:06:33] Brad: It’s just an intro. You got your name right. You’re doing wonderful, Carlos. Behind the scenes, repping with the dog. You know, and so like, I was talking to Caleb about, um, you know, starting this up again, and honestly, like, in very talk story fashion, I had no idea what the hell we were going to do until, like, we hit, um, record.

[00:06:51] Brad: And, um, it kind of occurred to me that We were sort of studying like our own surf culture and sort of like [00:07:00] bringing it out to other people to see and like also bringing in people from locally um that you know weren’t part of the scene maybe that like kind of saw what was happening I was like oh cool like there is like surfing here there is like people that made surfboards and Chris and I were like real big surf nerds so like we got in like all the old time guys that were surfing here like from the beginning the beginning and um hearing all that stuff and all their stories.

[00:07:25] Brad: So it was like inspiring and like got us going. Um, Sorry, we’re just like dealing with a slight security issue out here.

[00:07:36] Brad: So, um, yeah, so basically like it became like this whole like investigation for me, like personally is like, what, what was going on here in Seraphin culture, um, prior to us doing this stuff. And, um, well, we got, we got, I don’t know what’s going on out there. There’s activity. Some sort of activity. Um, [00:08:00] I don’t know if he wants to be a guest, or if he just wants to keep honking his car.

[00:08:03] Caleb: Nah, this happens when you record on the side of the street.

[00:08:06] Brad: I guess this is one of those challenges we’re going to have to get used to. Um, Yeah. So, you know, through the, through the whole like series of doing the shows with Caleb and Chris, like we had all these different guests come on from all different parts of like surfing that we knew in our little community in Miami.

[00:08:22] Brad: And then I started traveling a bunch and you know, Caleb has been on a bunch of trips with me and actually a bunch of people in this room have been on a bunch of trips with me. And um, yeah, you come across all kinds of different surfers from all kinds of different places who Have all kinds of different stories about like where they grew up surfing and when they grew up surfing.

[00:08:38] Brad: Sometimes they’re like brand new to it. And you’re like, wow, you’re here trying to surf these waves. Like, yeah, I heard it would be good. You’re like, oh my God, do you even know how to swim? What are you doing here? And then there’s the people that you like meet in the same or like different locations all around the world.

[00:08:54] Brad: And you’re like, oh my God, like how I keep seeing you, you’re from Uruguay. That makes no sense. Um, [00:09:00] and so anyway, like I guess what this podcast is going to sort of evolve into is like. What is, uh, what is surfing? Like, what is it to everybody? Um, and I’m just going to go around and try to like record that.

[00:09:12] Brad: Um, cause I think it’s sort of an interesting idea. Um, so really like it’s an investigation, like what does surfing mean to you? And, um, like the first question is, and I’m just going to put this out there. Whoever wants to like jump in, like what’s surfing like where you’re from. Felipe, you got a microphone.

[00:09:33] Felipe: Hi, guys. My name is Felipe. And surfing in Miami is an interesting, is an interesting thing. You come across so many different types of surfers from so many different backgrounds. Some surfers are happy about the waves, some are pissed about the waves. Some are good surfers, some are just learning. So, when you mix all that up together on this one [00:10:00] little break, You get a lot of different stories, and you get a lot of different perspectives on what surfing is, what is good, what are good waves, what are not good waves.

[00:10:12] Felipe: And me personally, I think South Beach is always a good wave if it’s on. And

[00:10:17] Brad: Is that like what surfing is to you? Like, does it have to be on for it to be? No, even if it’s

[00:10:22] Felipe: not on by most people’s standards, I think South Beach is like always on. Like, as long as it’s breaking, it’s a fun wave in my opinion.

[00:10:29] Felipe: South You just have to have

[00:10:30] Alex: a

[00:10:32] Felipe: solid quiver and be able to pick the right board for the right day. Like, if you’re out here and it’s small and you’re on a short board, like I see a lot of people. You’re struggle. Yeah, it’s going to be a struggle and honestly it’s probably not going to be that fun. You can’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

[00:10:48] Felipe: Can’t bring a knife to a gunfight. You gotta have the right

[00:10:50] Brad: tool for the job.

[00:10:51] Felipe: Gotta bring the right tool, for sure. Did anybody grow

[00:10:53] Brad: up serving somewhere else? Or you guys all grew up serving in Miami? Miami. I’m the only one that grew up surfing somewhere else. I think so. [00:11:00] All right. Well, I’ll tell my little story there.

[00:11:02] Brad: My story is like completely different. I grew up surfing in New York and I started when I was like, I don’t know, 13 maybe. And, uh, yeah, it was totally different scene up there. Like during that time there wasn’t like surfing, wasn’t that popular. Wetsuits weren’t that great. People really like only surfed in the summer time, except for, yeah, except for like, you know, like the hardcore few.

[00:11:24] Brad: Did you ever go to Rockaway? Oh yeah, I surfed all those places. My whole life. Are you a Ramones fan? What’s that? I wasn’t Ramones fan. You have to if you listen to them. If you go to Rockaway Beach, you’re going to put that song on at least one time. Surfing

[00:11:34] Alex: and punk rock are synonymous.

[00:11:37] Brad: So is that the culture here in Miami?

[00:11:39] Brad: Is like

[00:11:39] Alex: It could be if you want it to be. I think everyone brings a little bit of their own kind of flair and background too. the culture here in Miami and we have a good mix of that. Um, I feel like Miami breeds Miami surf culture has a lot of originality in that sense and [00:12:00] how everyone has this kind of, everyone’s from a different place, right?

[00:12:04] Alex: Everyone’s a personality. Everyone has their own kind of, you know, or an energy and color to them. And I think that’s what makes the surf scene here in Miami really special and unique.

[00:12:17] Brad: What is the culture here? Like the, you know, like outside of just being different. Like if you go to like a surf event, what do you expect that to be?

[00:12:23] Brad: Like, is there a surf event? What the hell is, what is a surf event?

[00:12:28] Caleb: No, there’s no surf events here. We need to fix that.

[00:12:31] Brad: But like, I wasn’t even speaking of competitive events and I think they’ve done some competitive here. Like, I think we’ve tried to Lance a log

[00:12:37] Alex: jam together. Oh, that’s

[00:12:39] Brad: right. The 33rd annual, first time ever Keegan Memorial Scholarship Fund Big Wave Small Wave Contest.

[00:12:51] Brad: It will not

[00:12:52] Caleb: run unless the flags are orange or below. If the flags are red, the contest is off. The judges are surfing.

[00:12:59] Brad: [00:13:00] Well, I think my profit is Keegan moved to California. Yeah. You really I saw he was just out in the Indian Ocean. I think he was in Bali recently. I touched base with him. I told him that we needed him to like intern again.

[00:13:13] Brad: He said, I’m in Bali. I’ll talk to you soon. So, good for Keegan. On to greener pastures. I think really Yeah, Keegan has really only gone upwards since, uh, uh, since he left South Beach. Good for Keegan. It’s the

[00:13:26] Alex: only way to go.

[00:13:28] Brad: Right. Um, so, I mean, I thought we had like a bit of a culture going here, like in terms of surfing and like back in the day, in the 60s, there was for sure like a scene here.

[00:13:41] Brad: And then like in the 80s, there was a scene, but it was like tight. Tom

[00:13:44] Alex: Blake actually made an appearance down here.

[00:13:46] Brad: That’s right, he did, way back in like the 1930s I want to say, or maybe early 40s. He was seen

[00:13:51] Alex: here with a 14 foot, stand up, prone, something. You’re making it sound like a myth. [00:14:00] You can look this up.

[00:14:02] Alex: I’m, I’m a little bit of a Miami surf historian. Uh, it is

[00:14:07] Brad: like, like a myth like thing because there isn’t that much information on it. And the guys that hold the information like just passed away. It was the, uh, Dudley and what was his brother’s name? The Whit, Whit, Whit, Whit, Whit. Yes. Yeah. They started Val Harbor.

[00:14:21] Brad: Yeah. Um, and they, yeah. Is it, this is on a podcast from before. And I think we have like one of the old guys that was here. Like, that was like, able to sort of like bridge that gap and tell us more of the stories. But I met one of those guys at surf expo with Chris a million years ago.

[00:14:38] Alex: interestingly, right on that note, to add to that, Miami does have, you know, in South Florida, Florida in general, but South Florida and Miami does have rich surf history.

[00:14:51] Brad: Well, that’s the thing. It’s something that definitely does like affect surf culture is the climate. Like California for sure exploded in terms of surfing because [00:15:00] it was warm. The water’s a little chilly, but for the nice, for the most part, like it’s nice out all the time. And then also like, there’s a bunch of other stuff that kind of came together to sort of like create like a surfing explosion, like, uh, post World War II technology and the availability of like the aerospace industry, like foam and resins and all that stuff was available in Southern California.

[00:15:19] Brad: They also had, um, like the post World War II, like boom, So like, people had money, people had like spare time, leisure, they were teaching swimming, um, way more. And so like, you put all those things together, it’s like the perfect opportunity. Oh, and a bunch of teenagers. Um, you know, like that’s a great opportunity for a fad or something to catch on.

[00:15:40] Brad: And, here it is. They had the weather part for sure. We’re kinda lacking in the wave department. Yeah,

[00:15:47] Alex: waves not, not so much. But we are watermen here.

[00:15:50] Brad: Well that’s the thing, like, those guys early, early on, they like, they, those guys figured out how to make surfboards with no one telling them how to make surfboards.

[00:15:58] Felipe: But being fishermen [00:16:00] and spear fishermen and scuba divers, I think it’s all tied to like learning how to read the ocean and having an appreciation for the ocean and a love for the ocean. For the ocean like whenever you do see a wave you’re like, oh like drop whatever you’re doing. Like I’m calling off work Just to go surf.

[00:16:16] Felipe: Like I think that’s the culture here, which is cool

[00:16:18] Brad: That’s also the Miami loud cars going by Yeah, for sure Like I think that has to be a big chunk of it Like if you’re not doing something else with your time and you’re only depending on surfing to like keep you happy or busy here You’re going to be a miserable person because like, it just doesn’t happen that good all that often.

[00:16:35] Brad: And even with like the small, like we kind of fun days, like, and that’s probably better off. Is it okay? I’m saying these things. I don’t know if I believe these things.

[00:16:45] Felipe: Well rounded surfers that are not just surfers. Yeah. Cause there’s more to life than just surfing.

[00:16:51] Brad: I’ve heard.

[00:16:51] Alex: Yeah. I think in terms, in terms of surfing in Miami and what Flip just said, right.

[00:16:58] Alex: There’s a lot of guys in this bus. [00:17:00] that don’t just ride a shortboard. Yeah, yeah. Well, for sure. You know, and I think that Miami does a good job at breaking people out of their shells and their comfort zones in that sense because you kind of have to acclimate to the wave situation. Right? And that goes back to what we were saying earlier is that you can’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

[00:17:25] Alex: Right? And it’s, it takes a little bit of time and understanding to kind of, yeah. Very

[00:17:32] Brad: important. What you were saying is like a whole bunch of different activities. Yeah, like,

[00:17:36] Felipe: I’ve been picking up tennis and yoga.

[00:17:38] Brad: There’s great sailing here. There’s great spearfishing. I mean, it used to be greater, I’m sure, but like, it’s still pretty great and you can do it.

[00:17:46] Brad: And like snorkeling. But all

[00:17:48] Felipe: in all, it all culminates in you having a deeper appreciation for the ocean, I feel. Yeah. Then like jaded California surfers who just don’t go out and surf unless it’s firing.

[00:17:58] Brad: It’s funny though how like, I don’t think the [00:18:00] surf like scene here as like really collided too much with those other like scenes or cultures.

[00:18:05] Brad: Like you don’t see, I don’t know, like

[00:18:09] Raul: maybe with anything, like as far as the culture here, especially post COVID, I think we have more communities set up based on surfing more than anything else. At least that’s what I saw post COVID. And there was a resurgence of like, even more like grumps coming out.

[00:18:25] Raul: Goose, goose, goose. Sorry. It’s been going for the music here. And, uh, so yeah, like even just that alone, I saw a huge pickup of just more new people being like, uh, introduced to surfing big time. I think that was

[00:18:41] Brad: like a global, or at least the internet also had

[00:18:43] Alex: a big effect on that and all, you know, Tik TOK and.

[00:18:48] Brad: I mean, I guess it gets surfing definitely goes through its peaks and like trends and stuff. I think, and then after COVID, there was definitely a lot more people serving because really all the outdoor activities were like [00:19:00] getting enormously popular because people were kind of scared to be inside and they’re like, once they did get outside, they’re like, Oh yeah, it’s nice out here.

[00:19:07] Brad: I forgot. It’s like, you could go out into the mountains and just walk around and it’s nice. And, and surfing was definitely one of those sports. I know fishing, skiing, like all these things, like all picked up in popularity enormously. And I think like that just means that the culture is going to change again, right?

[00:19:24] Brad: There’s going to be like all these new people that are coming into the sport. It also probably means like in like three years, there’s gonna be a lot of used boards for sale. So save your money. And surfing’s not the easiest thing to pick up. It’s hard. And you know, like most people sort of like, Lose interest because of the difficulty, especially in a place like South and I think

[00:19:42] Felipe: it’s interesting how people have like a differing opinion on, on welcoming new surfers into, into, into the world of surfing.

[00:19:49] Felipe: Like, I feel like there’s like a big negative stigma on people learning to surf. Like they get like so much hate and I’m like, I feel like that’s not what the [00:20:00] Duke, like the OG surfer from Hawaii where surfing was born. Would have wanted. I feel like he’d be opening his arms to everybody trying to come surf.

[00:20:11] Felipe: He’d be trying to get stoked on other people’s surfing. And honestly, like after, I mean, I haven’t been surfing that long, but I feel like I’m at the point where I get so happy when my friends, or when people that I know really want to learn to surf, when they get waves, like it brings like a whole new level of joy to me.

[00:20:28] Felipe: Like, it’s like one of the, like, it almost brings tears to my eyes. Like sometimes when somebody’s playing catch their first wave, when they get their first wave, like That’s such a special moment, but I feel like right now surfing is not really welcoming that moment and Not appreciating what true surfing really is which is that and like being happy for other people

[00:20:48] Alex: But surfing where?

[00:20:51] Brad: Not where you are You’re welcome to surf just not where I am I mean, but

[00:20:57] Robert: is surfing really like You were [00:21:00] saying what surfing is is welcoming when it comes down to it. It’s such a selfish I mean, you’re, you’re the only, you’re, you’re the only one seeking out your own pleasure. You’re not seeking. There’s like 40 of us sitting inside of a bus right now.

[00:21:12] Robert: So

[00:21:13] Brad: there is definitely the other side of it. I’ve argued that point for sure. Like it is a very selfish thing. It’s like my wave, my beach, And to add to my chicks, what was the last bit of the, yeah, you go home and that’s, that’s the way it always was. Um, as a, as just a portion of it, even a guy like Jerry Lopez, who you’d imagine is just like the Zen master also has this other side to him where he was like, Oh yeah, I got good because I burn guys all the time.

[00:21:43] Brad: And it’s like, well, and I think to add to it, tear down our idols now too. It’s kind of, uh,

[00:21:50] Felipe: I mean, I don’t like to idolize people, period.

[00:21:54] Alex: To add to what you were saying, Flip, I think, you know, one of the reasons why surfing is so unwel [00:22:00] is so is becoming so unwelcoming is because you have people who grew up surfing in a very hostile environment.

[00:22:09] Alex: People who were bullied and heckled and, you know, sometimes that kind of is generational, right? And they got to break free from that, that cycle, you know, and then aside from that, it’s the localism, you know, that, that happens and you see people who, who surf a certain wave or a certain spot and they’ve, you know, their grandfathers have surfed there, their dads have surfed there, their, you know, their moms have surfed there, right?

[00:22:42] Alex: Or their sisters or whatever, and, and they surf there. And now. One kid shows up with five or six of his friends and it’s like,

[00:22:52] Brad: that’s why it is a problem. Don’t show up with five or six of your friends. I

[00:22:56] Felipe: mean, I’m definitely for educating people, but the only way you can educate [00:23:00] someone is like speaking to them kindly and and like approaching them in the proper way.

[00:23:05] Felipe: There has to be some sort of localism, even if there’s

[00:23:07] Brad: like this nice version of localism that flip talks about. I

[00:23:10] Felipe: try to like, when somebody’s doing something wrong, it’s like, I don’t tell them anything. I, but I try to like be like, Oh, like, Let me try to help you out, bro. Like, I want, like, I want you to, to like get better at this and make it safer.

[00:23:21] Felipe: And it’s like, if you see,

[00:23:22] Alex: if you see six people sitting on the inside, when the wave is breaking 10 to 15 feet out, bring them out with you. Don’t let them sit on the inside. You know, I think it’s, there’s all these little teaching moments. And like if you want to be like

[00:23:36] Brad: a real local, like you help out someone who’s going to get hurt.

[00:23:39] Brad: Right. Exactly. Because like someone, it’s going to cause an accident somewhere else. It’s breaking the I really actually want to hear actually Al, like what’d you hear from this? Because this is all from like a very male macho sort of perspective in terms of localism, but like, how is it for you being in the lineup?

[00:23:53] Alia: Honestly, I think sometimes it’s, it’s easier and harder being a girl. That makes sense. Because sometimes you [00:24:00] have people that will be extra kind to you. I feel like starting out, but then also there’s this pressure. Sometimes you’re the only girl in the lineup, especially in Florida. And so you have like.

[00:24:09] Alia: One shot to make a drop in and then if you don’t make it every, you have all these guys that are surrounding you that’ll start trying to snake waves or they’ll drop in on you. We know exactly the

[00:24:17] Brad: scenario.

[00:24:18] Alia: Yeah, and I’m sure it happens like guy on guy, but it No, but for real, sometimes it’s, it, guys can be pretty shitty because you’re the only girl out there so they think that they can kind of walk all over you, so.

[00:24:32] Brad: Okay, what, girls don’t do that to each other?

[00:24:34] Alia: It’s interesting. So I feel like when I started out, even maybe like I had moments where it’s more competitive, but you also Kind of have this like female empowerment thing going on where now if I see a girl in the lineup I’ll go introduce myself and i’m like, hey like it’s just nice to see other girls Yeah

[00:24:53] Felipe: girl empowerment.

[00:24:53] Felipe: There’s not like male empowerment in the lineup.

[00:24:55] Alia: No

[00:24:59] Alia: It’s [00:25:00] like especially here in california, there’s a lot more girls that are surfing but in florida, you know You have a decent amount of female surfers, but sometimes you’re the only

[00:25:08] Alex: alex wants to clarify something. It looks like We’re very welcome to women beginning surfing here in Miami, Florida. I

[00:25:14] Alia: think

[00:25:16] Alex: we’re not, we’re not against any of that.

[00:25:20] Alia: We’re

[00:25:20] Alex: completely for it.

[00:25:22] Alia: But yeah, um, I think with, as far as like people learning to surf, a big problem since COVID is that there’s been so many people that didn’t really have any knowledge going into it. And so there’s not a lot of etiquette. And that becomes a problem because it’s a hazard, especially like in California, a crowded break.

[00:25:38] Alia: People are just like going straight to the peak and just fucking pearling and like running people over and it’s

[00:25:43] Brad: It’s super dangerous. I mean, Carlos who was here before had his head cracked open. It happens.

[00:25:48] Alia: Yeah, and I think that’s why it’s

[00:25:51] Brad: important to educate people. And, I mean, boards go flying, boards go flying.

[00:25:56] Brad: And, it just [00:26:00] Especially when you’re learning My board’s gone flying. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, especially when you’re learning, like you just don’t even understand like what you’re capable of, you know, because you’re capable of a lot of damage. And that’s not sort of communicated then. Yeah. They’re going to hurt themselves.

[00:26:14] Brad: They’re going to hurt somebody else. And I think like, like you were saying before, if there is an opportunity, it’s usually like in that slant, like, Hey, you might hurt yourself doing it that way. Or maybe me. So maybe we can. You want some advice?

[00:26:29] Robert: Yeah. And usually

[00:26:29] Brad: people are kind of like willing to be like, oh yeah, I have no idea what I’m doing.

[00:26:33] Brad: And like sometimes you see their eyes and they’re scared. Exactly. And you’re like, okay, I know what’s going on

[00:26:37] Rudy: here. Just like anywhere really. In general,

[00:26:41] Felipe: pretty

[00:26:41] Rudy: much.

[00:26:41] Alia: In general, yeah. I think it’s good to educate them and not scare them though.

[00:26:45] Rudy: Like usually what happens is, especially during COVID, we saw a lot of this where they’re like, Oh, what do we do with our time?

[00:26:52] Rudy: And Oh, we go to the beach. Let’s take on surfing. In a place like California, you’re usually [00:27:00] taking on surfing because you know somebody that, or know somebody that surfs. So they kind of give you the heads up, like, oh, you know, basic 101 surfing. If you’re in a place like Miami, there are people that come surfing for years that don’t know how to surf.

[00:27:15] Rudy: Basic surfing

[00:27:17] Brad: knowledge. Well, it goes

[00:27:17] Rudy: back to

[00:27:18] Brad: what we were saying about culture. Like the surf culture here is kinda like shallow. Mm-Hmm. . And there’s not that much. Like I’ve

[00:27:22] Rudy: always said, I used to talk about this to Chris, we need to make a sign. Yeah. I love the sign. Make a sign. At least it’s a start.

[00:27:28] Rudy: Person on the outside gets priority. This is the beginner of break

[00:27:33] Alia: in California. Yeah. They’re all over. Yeah. This is the

[00:27:35] Rudy: beginner break. This don’t come here. That’s where all the local dogs like to pee. Yeah. Do they. That’s why I think it’s important to have a little bit of, uh, authority in the lineup.

[00:27:46] Rudy: Regulation. Yeah, a little bit. I think it’s important. It has to be. I think it really has to

[00:27:51] Alex: be. Regulation comes with education. Yeah. Respectfully. Nonviolently. Yeah.

[00:27:56] Felipe: The way I’m all [00:28:00] for regulation. But it has to be done in the right way. Like it has to like come off as like, you really want to help that person.

[00:28:06] Felipe: You

[00:28:07] Robert: want

[00:28:08] Rudy: to hear something interesting? It’ll never be like that. You can’t regulation will never be given software.

[00:28:20] Alia: I don’t know. I’ve seen it been given softly. I’ve actually had, no, I’ve had people in Topanga. Oh, what’s that lady’s name? The older lady, she fucking rips there. She’s regulated and taught people on my behalf.

[00:28:32] Alia: Like I’ve had coups drop in and she’s been coming up to them and corrected them and then like a nice but authoritative way. And I agree with that. I think it’s good to encourage people cause it means so much to me. I don’t want to keep that. That’s actually a really

[00:28:46] Brad: cool way to like. Uh, sort of like teach people or like also sort of be like, Hey, like, I really know what’s going on out here because I’m speaking on somebody else’s behalf who doesn’t owe me anything, doesn’t know about anything.

[00:28:58] Brad: You’re just like. [00:29:00] That’s literally

[00:29:01] Alia: what she did. I’m for it, it’s just something you don’t see that much. No, but I, uh, I heard Well,

[00:29:06] Brad: we need to do something for sure. But it goes

[00:29:08] Felipe: deeper than just And there’s just not enough

[00:29:09] Brad: violent dudes in the lineup anymore to even regulate. Like, you just can’t, like, you can’t rely on that anymore.

[00:29:15] Felipe: I still see people getting punched. But there’s also people that rip that don’t follow the rules either, like Yeah, yeah.

[00:29:20] Rudy: Because nobody else is following the rules.

[00:29:22] Alia: Yeah.

[00:29:23] Rudy: You wanna And that’s, when you get that high, it’s kinda like, It comes like anarchy a little bit where everybody’s, you have to set a tonality.

[00:29:31] Rudy: That’s why when there’s waves here, I like surfing with the crew because we kind of hold court. It’s like four or five of us. We know each other. We keep a good 10 feet apart from each other and we, And we’re holding court and we kind of, to me, that’s the way I

[00:29:46] Brad: approach always. Yeah, and I mean, I think all people do that in a lineup if they surf there regularly.

[00:29:52] Brad: You have like all the folks you surf with all the time and it’s fun to surf with your friends. And also, [00:30:00] Fucking Sal. Wow. Dirty Sal. That thing’s gonna look sick when he gets it lifted. Dirty, dirty.

[00:30:10] Alex: M. I. A. I

[00:30:10] Carlos: think it certainly has changed quite a bit in the last, I think, First surfed here in like 91 when I first moved here.

[00:30:17] Carlos: It is much more mellow now than it was back then. I don’t know if it was, you know, the atmosphere in Miami. Is that good or bad though? Back in the day, it was really aggro. So nowadays, it’s a lot more welcoming. Is that good or bad for the lineup though? Well, I think it’s good overall, you know? You know, listen, we have a, I think what we don’t really do well is delineate the lineup, right?

[00:30:41] Carlos: There are places in the beach from here all the way out to that’s because no one knows it don’t talk about spots And I think Carlos

[00:30:47] Brad: don’t talk about any spots

[00:30:51] Carlos: You get miles of beach you can actually just practice and you know build their way out to it Y’all know this place is dangerous. So, you know when it gets to that point, [00:31:00] it’s like oh, yeah, it’s cool But it’s also dangerous, but it’s much more lenient.

[00:31:03] Carlos: I think that it was 30 years ago

[00:31:06] Brad: Okay, so let’s talk about that scene 30 years ago to now. Let’s

[00:31:09] Rudy: say that there’s something in Miami that we don’t talk about quite often or in this conversation is that we rarely get waves, so when we do get waves, it’s a scarce, it’s a scarce resource. It’s everybody’s like, fuck this.

[00:31:24] Rudy: I want to serve.

[00:31:25] Carlos: I was going to go back to her comments and everybody’s nice in California. You know what? Well, to a certain extent, because you have. More consistency to it. But now you may go, you know, three, four weeks and say, look, this waves two days, this waves, you know, one great set of waves every three months.

[00:31:41] Carlos: So now there’s the scarcity of it. We’re in a place with consistent breaks. It’s a little bit more, um, consistent. More common, I would say, right? So people have a way to build into that skill set, that consistency. You get more repetition, for sure. Right, right. There’s no repetition here is impossible. It is impossible.

[00:31:59] Carlos: It’s

[00:31:59] Alia: [00:32:00] interesting though, because it’s like I said earlier today, I saw the opposite. I noticed that people were more aggressive. I saw more people getting in fights in California when you have a surplus of waves, which was crazy to me because Florida does have the scarcity. But something interesting I heard recently was like, a person brought up Skateboarding and how when you look at the outside skate skateboarding so closely related to like punk culture and you think that when you go to like a skate park people are gonna be more aggressive or You’re gonna be like blocked out more than you would be surfing when people when most people from the outside looking in look at surfing it looks as like you’re really close to nature and it’s going to be this peace and love sort of environment but it’s kind of the opposite when you go to a skate park if you fall down and then you get back up and you try a trick again everybody’s clapping for you everyone’s supporting you and when you come into the lineup and you don’t really know what you’re doing a lot of time you get iced out it’s like People aren’t even maybe willing to positively keep, and it’s because it’s, there’s so much [00:33:00] concrete.

[00:33:00] Alia: Yeah, yeah. And then the

[00:33:01] Brad: other part of it I think is, like, if you’re skating, you’re gonna like, eat shit a lot. And like, eating shit is nasty skateboarding. And so if you stick with it. There’s like this camaraderie and respect like built in whereas in surfing like you could kind of linger out there and like bob around A lot of it and just like be a buoy.

[00:33:21] Brad: Oh, yeah forever. Yeah forever I was translating in my head It’s

[00:33:26] Alia: the tribalism in surfing because of the lack of resources just in general like you have to have a wave so people are like willing to fight and get into that animalistic part of their mind where it’s just like, no, this is mine. And my, my people, and then then skateboarding,

[00:33:42] Brad: they just wash out.

[00:33:43] Brad: Yeah. Because like you shit one time and like just broke your wrist.

[00:33:48] Robert: But it’s,

[00:33:48] Brad: it’s the kids that like are sitting there in front of their house, not even getting like driven to a skate park. It was like doing Ollie after Ollie with like a broken wrist. You’re like, okay, like.

[00:33:58] Alia: This

[00:33:58] Brad: kid’s a welcome, like you’ll pick him [00:34:00] up on the way to the skate park because you know like what dedication that really is.

[00:34:03] Alia: And there’s so much resource, you can go skating anywhere. I don’t think

[00:34:06] Brad: you get that respect in surfing for Years. Years or ever in some cases.

[00:34:13] Felipe: Like there’s always going to be somebody that’s like, that’s a local there that like, they don’t care if you like, if you get barreled or do airs like, it’s still not your wave.

[00:34:22] Carlos: But why? Yeah.

[00:34:25] Felipe: I

[00:34:26] Carlos: don’t know. Why don’t celebrate somebody else’s success?

[00:34:29] Felipe: That’s, that’s what I’m saying. We

[00:34:31] Alia: need more positivity. I mean, it’s so much better

[00:34:34] Carlos: for the size of the city of Miami. Even if it’s crowded here on a busy day, it’s still a minority, right? It’s still a little bit of a niche group coming out to the beach.

[00:34:43] Carlos: And you, the odds of you, um, getting hurt, although they’re still small, they’re pretty serious. You still lack the, uh, maybe you missed the opportunity of training or teaching and coaching someone into [00:35:00] being successful or you’re trying to do. You might have tried it for 5, 10, 15 years. They may be starting.

[00:35:05] Carlos: Guess what? You started at one point too.

[00:35:07] Robert: Exactly. You

[00:35:07] Carlos: know, again, you know, back in the 90s as a teenager here, the old school was, was gnarly. It was gnarly, you know, but why? I mean, I wouldn’t let that to my kids. I wouldn’t want that done to my, my, you know,

[00:35:21] Alex: but that’s bitten me before because I’ve tried to kind of give people pointers as to like, okay, I remember when I was 14 years old and I started surfing here, right?

[00:35:37] Alex: I remember one of the older guys telling me, Hey, keep your feet together. You look like shit. Keep your feet together when you’re on the board, when you’re paddling, you’re, you’re all over the place. Right? So I took that and I ran with it and the way, you know, you’re placed on your board when you’re paddling or even floating and how balanced you are.

[00:35:59] Alex: That [00:36:00] says a lot, right? So I’ve tried to take that with me and I never forgot about that. And I’ve had, you know, I’ve, I’ve kind of tried to give people pointers out there. Like, you know, keep your head down and keep paddling to get that wave right. Or keep your feet together or kind of keep your hands, you know, when you dig to paddle, keep them close to the rails of your board, right?

[00:36:24] Alex: Don’t paddle out, paddle in. And some people kind of bite back, you know, and like,

[00:36:31] Robert: who are you to tell me this? I mean, that’s the thing is nobody’s, if they’re, if they’re not asking for the, the, the advice, why are you going out of your way to give it to them? That’s, and

[00:36:40] Alex: that’s the problem with looking out.

[00:36:43] Robert: Is it very Miami or is it just consent? Like, are they asking to be, to be, to be critiqued like that?

[00:36:49] Brad: Well, I think there’s also like the intent of what that person’s out there to really do. Like, Clearly, if he was doing it at that age, right, and now all these years later, he’s still surfing, like, he was gonna surf, [00:37:00] and he was, like, trying as hard as he could, like, a sponge, just soak up as much as he could.

[00:37:04] Brad: And I think, like, some of the people that go out there, I don’t know if they’re, like, really, like, into it, into it, they’re just, and, like, the casual nature of it. Can be sort of dangerous because there’s like a cavalier like, well, I’m just like out here. Like, no, that’s not really like appropriate.

[00:37:20] Alex: I remember Brad saying something like, well, Alex, that’s just how you chose to look at surfing.

[00:37:26] Alex: Right. And I think that that, that has an effect on, you know, people’s mentalities is like, okay, like I, I look at surfing kind of seriously. I study its history. I, I kind of nerd out on it. Right. And. And if I see someone surfing our spot, you know, and they’re kind of all over the place, like out of my nature, I want, you know, and I’ve seen them multiple times.

[00:37:57] Alex: I’m going to, you know, just like, [00:38:00] you know, someone did to me that had a positive effect on me. I want to run that off to that, to, to whoever I see kind of struggling. Robert, you’re just saying that there’s a,

[00:38:11] Carlos: what you’d like from surfing, right? You look at. Say, the style, say wave riding, say airs, I’m like, you’re, you know, miles away from doing that, but how do you learn?

[00:38:20] Carlos: So you might really be, you know, be, um, you might find the appeal in the visuals of what you find online, but how do you get to that point? How do you learn? Yeah, if you don’t have anyone to give you It’s not something you can actually read up on

[00:38:34] Brad: a book and really practice. That’s kind of like how I did it.

[00:38:37] Brad: I was just motivated enough. I wanted to do it, and I was gonna figure out how to do it. And

[00:38:41] Alex: we had older people that would, you know, give us tips. Right? But who cares

[00:38:46] Robert: what the old people say? Yeah, I didn’t

[00:38:48] Felipe: have any teachers. They would just tell me to go down the beach. And I’d be like, sure. That’s

[00:38:53] Alex: good advice.

[00:38:54] Alex: I mean, not anything technical, but just, you know, basics. Anytime

[00:38:59] Felipe: [00:39:00] somebody told me something technical, it would be like, Making fun of me, but I would take it in stride. Like, yeah, like I am, I am kicking a lot of water when I’m trying to like catch a wave.

[00:39:11] Brad: And you’re back. Is that bad? Is that good? Is he making fun of me?

[00:39:13] Brad: Or is that good advice? I don’t even know. I’m just going to get out of here.

[00:39:19] Alia: It’s super helpful. I remember one of the. The best pieces of advice I’ve probably ever been given was when I first started surfing. Going straight to the beach. I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I was, I’m like, Oh, I’m standing cool. And some guy came up to me, he’s like, pick a direction. And I was like, what?

[00:39:34] Robert: That’s good advice.

[00:39:35] Alia: I’m like, what? Oh, I probably do need to either go left or right. And then next thing I know, I’m like going down the face and all of a sudden my surfing’s improving in like a week, incredibly, because I was just out there flailing, trying to figure it out on my own. So. Yeah. Like obviously looking at magazines and videos helps.

[00:39:51] Alia: But when you’re first starting out, you have no idea what you’re doing. And so it’s helpful if someone’s willing to give you the advice, but I was way too insecure to go up [00:40:00] and just be like, Hey, teach me like, you know, I’m thinking that I think you

[00:40:04] Brad: were talking about just like sort of inviting the opportunities to teach people as opposed to like teaching them without.

[00:40:10] Brad: Like they’re unsolicited. I mean like man’s, I gotta imagine like there’s guys coming up to you all the time Alan being like, Yo chick, let me tell you how to do this right? And you’re like, God dammit, I’m just trying to go surfing and by the way, you’re not even good at this. Yeah. Could you go the other direction please?

[00:40:25] Alia: I feel like when I was beginning that would maybe happen more. Now I feel like I get asked advice sometimes and it’s like more in a way it’s hitting on me and I’m like. But like yeah, I don’t know it I feel like there was more old guys that would come up very threatening Like I remember one guy I was I was surfing a new Smyrna in the winter And I guess I was like like really like throwing water behind me and he was like hey If you do that when it gets really cold, you’re gonna get smacked or something Like he was like, I guess I splashed him in the face I was like, oh, okay, [00:41:00] like very aggressive, but I’m gonna just do it Paddle away from him and try to remember that.

[00:41:06] Alia: I don’t know. Robert would have

[00:41:07] Brad: taken a different approach?

[00:41:09] Alia: Maybe. I don’t know.

[00:41:13] Robert: I mean, my thing is unsolicited advice is always just going to be met with hostility. Like, yeah, I like, and, and that’s the way that I am. Cause I’m still learning despite like having been in the water for a long time. I’m still learning.

[00:41:25] Robert: I’m still developing whatever I think surfing is. And I think that’s a lifetime pursuit. So if somebody is trying to tell you. You know, how you should do it. Like, yeah, there’s basic surf etiquette and there’s basic surf rules, but outside of that, like, Stay outside of my pursuit. This is me. This is not used.

[00:41:42] Robert: Don’t like, I don’t care if I’m splashing around and you’re in the water, get used to it. Like there’s water, bro. Like, and don’t, don’t tell me how to, don’t tell me how to like pursue my own pursuit.

[00:41:54] Brad: When I was starting, like I would, I would have been like, Oh my God, you want to tell me how to do this? I was like, I have no idea how to [00:42:00] do this.

[00:42:00] Brad: Like I read this in this book and then I have every, Issue of surfer magazine from like 87 to 91. So like, that’s my education in this. Oh, I watched it on the summer too. You know, like that’s all I got. Not even the first one. On your

[00:42:12] Carlos: own, let’s tie those things together and say on your own, how do you improve?

[00:42:15] Carlos: And I think when you look at pros, you know, we’ve seen it quite a bit. I don’t know. I’ll speak in, I’ll speak in stereo right here. Um, You know, how do you improve? We really improve by visuals, right? And that’s how I think that most people do this. Everybody learns

[00:42:27] Brad: different ways, right?

[00:42:28] Carlos: Well, how do you see, how do you see how you’re progressing, right?

[00:42:32] Carlos: How do you know if you’re progressing? Because you may think you’re looking really rad, and all of a sudden you’re like squatting on the board, right? Just

[00:42:37] Raul: to segue off of that, like, One of the reasons that I’ve been extremely popular is because everybody wants to see how they are progressing. There we go, so.

[00:42:45] Raul: Into what their techniques are and how they look doing all their things. Like, uh, their progress. People like seeing their progress, so.

[00:42:51] Brad: Some people are into that. The dude could be like, the best one’s the one having the most fun. So, like, like form doesn’t matter. Like, the wave you catch doesn’t matter.

[00:42:59] Brad: Maybe the [00:43:00] thing that matters most is like, you were saying, Flip. Like, it’s like watching like someone get pushed into the wave for the first time.

[00:43:04] Rudy: The better you can surf, the more fun you’re going to have.

[00:43:09] Brad: I don’t know, man. Like, I think it’s your perspective. The first wave you ever caught, like, kind of fun.

[00:43:15] Brad: I don’t know if you like No, but it’s

[00:43:16] Rudy: not better than the last one. Ah, that’s true. Like, it’s just not. Like, the better The better you get at surfing, the better you can put yourself in it. And I think that has to do with The more you can personalize your surfing, the more you connect with it in different ways.

[00:43:30] Rudy: If you’re just surfing at the surface, it’s There’s levels. There’s levels. You know, Dane Reynolds doesn’t have fun surfing because he’s such good of a surfer. No, he probably has, he’s having a certain level of fun that we can’t even fathom.

[00:43:49] Felipe: This, this also, this also came up when I, when I started surfing with Marley a bunch.

[00:43:53] Felipe: He’d be like, dude, the waves suck. Marley, former

[00:43:55] Brad: guest on the show.

[00:43:56] Felipe: The waves suck, like, how are you having this much fun? I’m like, dude, [00:44:00] I guess I suck so much that like just catching a wave, like even though I’m not like riding it far or like throwing an air. But I feel like you can eventually get to the point where you get jaded with surfing, and I feel like that’s a thing for sure.

[00:44:15] Felipe: That’s

[00:44:15] Alex: when you get a new board.

[00:44:17] Brad: Yeah, yeah, you’re probably chasing something that you’re never really gonna attain, and like, you get bummed out because of it, and then I mean, heck, actually, I surf with you a bunch, and you’re teaching me all this different stuff, and I got so in my head about surfing that, like, I was like, I don’t even want to serve with this guy because all I can think about is like where my hand is going to be and what’s going to happen.

[00:44:35] Brad: I went back. I’m still working on it. So like, there buddy. And so, um, yeah, like I came back from him, like not surfing for a couple of weeks. And then I came back and we surfed again and I was like, all right, don’t tell me nothing. I don’t want to know nothing. I’m just going to surf. Like I want to surf. And some of the stuff like we talked about stuck, you know, it was just like, You can’t [00:45:00] push too hard like on that stuff or else everything could get kind of annoying.

[00:45:05] Alex: But to what I think to add to what rudy was saying, right? I think the the more you develop and and the more skills you acquire and the better you essentially quote unquote better you get right You learn how to take off a little bit more efficiently you learn how to you know Set up your bottom turn and maybe you even throw throw in some style there, you know, you kind of reach You Reach your arm out a little bit and, and, and kind of incorporate things like arm placement, right?

[00:45:34] Alex: And, and, and, and that can essentially open up new horizons to your surfing in the sense that like, okay, I, I kinda, you know, I’ve acquired these skills. Let me have a little more fun in how I express myself on the wave. Maybe that’s my approach when it comes to, you know, writing. Longer boards.

[00:45:57] Brad: Oh, I got like a different opinion of how you were [00:46:00] saying this until you just said that.

[00:46:01] Brad: Yeah. Yeah. You know, like there is some truth to that stuff because if you’re trying to express yourself through surfing, you know, As like some sort of like something in you that needs to come out, right? I mean, shit, if you’re good at the guitar, it’s going to be a little bit easier to do that than if you’re just like blank, like, well, in my head, it sounds like not

[00:46:21] Carlos: bad.

[00:46:22] Robert: How do

[00:46:23] Carlos: you know that bottom turn sucked? How do you know that you can make that bottom turn into a line drive? How do you know that, you know, you paddled wrong? How do you learn to say you have the skills to express yourself? As opposed to going down the line, or just going down the white water straight, you know, into the beach.

[00:46:41] Alia: How do you

[00:46:41] Carlos: visualize it?

[00:46:42] Alia: It boils down to, like, how you’re perceiving it, and if you’re judging yourself. Like, if you’re looking at what other people are doing, and you think that you need to be doing something in a specific way, because other people are doing it that way, or you have to be at this level to be good, and nothing’s going to be good enough until you’re, like, you know, [00:47:00] Completing a maneuver and it looks professional.

[00:47:02] Alia: Like if you’re just expressing yourself and you’re just out there living in the moment, right? You’re grounding yourself. You’re allowing yourself to flow. That’s what it’s about. Getting into a flow state. It’s not about what it looks like. Unless somebody tells

[00:47:12] Carlos: you you did that or unless you see it. No, you just feel it.

[00:47:15] Carlos: You know, you don’t, you don’t

[00:47:16] Alia: know you didn’t. Once you’re flowing. You don’t know you didn’t do it. Exactly. But think so. That’s when you’re analyzing it. And,

[00:47:22] Alex: and, and that goes, that takes me back to what Brad once told me. It’s like how, that’s how you chose to look at surfing. Like I, I am critical of how I look when I’m surfing.

[00:47:32] Brad: All right. Let’s close with that segment and move on to another question. That was a perfect way to end that one. Um, I think you’re, you’re welcome back. I think we like guests that can do that. Um, I think the next thing that I wanted to ask you guys is like the diversity of the scene here. Like, is there a diversity?

[00:47:49] Brad: Like, what do you even consider a diversity in surfing?

[00:47:53] Alex: Um, I think we had that discussion recently. Um, That’s a, that’s a really good one, Brad. I [00:48:00] think that that also ties in with, with the culture here. Right.

[00:48:10] Brad: I mean, this guy’s going to be like, the people who ride fish here. Yeah. Only like, yeah. So, so there’s, there’s like a black community that like, like popped up and all of a sudden, like, there’s all these folks serving that. You never saw us, like, in this scene before.

[00:48:25] Alex: Yeah, I think, I think the best, the best way I can, I can describe it is kind of like, you know

[00:48:32] Brad: There’s a lot more women now.

[00:48:33] Brad: That’s diversity in some sense, right?

[00:48:35] Rudy: What’s that? Is there diversity here?

[00:48:37] Brad: Yeah.

[00:48:37] Rudy: I mean, I don’t think so. Not compared to, if you compare it to

[00:48:46] Brad: any other surf. There’s a, Florida diversity? He almost had nothing to say there. That’s like the first time Rudy’s been speechless.

[00:48:54] Rudy: Diversity? For the exception of probably us.

[00:48:57] Rudy: There’s a few people out there. In this car. Yeah. [00:49:00] As far as diversity, do you mean your approach to surfing? Anything. The type of equipment you ride?

[00:49:05] Brad: What kind of people are out there? I

[00:49:08] Rudy: There’s a diverse group of people because it’s Miami and Miami is somewhat of a melting pot. Right. But that being said, in surfing, you say diverse as in the approach to surfing, your, the lines, your equipment, your philosophy of surfing.

[00:49:25] Rudy: It’s not that diverse. Right. And I feel like

[00:49:28] Alex: it’s because I feel like, you know, people just, you know, it’s a matter of education and, and getting educated on what’s. out there, you know, like hand shaped boards for one, the different types of hand shaped boards, right? And, and, and kind of, you know, alternative craft, right?

[00:49:52] Alex: You don’t always have to ride a short board in Miami.

[00:49:55] Carlos: You probably can’t. With, with three fins.

[00:49:58] Alex: Like, you look

[00:49:59] Felipe: [00:50:00] dumb doing it.

[00:50:01] Alex: I mean, look, not, not, there’s a lot of people that do it really, really well. You know, on, on, on, on a, on a, on any given day, but sometimes it takes a little bit of, you know,

[00:50:16] Brad: research.

[00:50:17] Alex: Yeah. So why are

[00:50:17] Brad: we missing that here? People surf here. People like came from everywhere here. Like you said, it’s a melting pot. You got to think that they had some ideas about other sorts of like surfing. Or maybe it’s about

[00:50:29] Rudy: other, I think. People are out there and they’re not catching waves and they’re curious why.

[00:50:35] Rudy: Then they see somebody like Alejandro who’s catching all the waves and they don’t understand why. And then later on they see that his board is 10 foot long and their board is five, eight.

[00:50:49] Brad: How does that not? But the point is like, there’s no diversity here so that the idea doesn’t register.

[00:50:54] Robert: Like, yeah,

[00:50:55] Brad: somehow they see him walk across the board, a beach with like a nine, six.

[00:50:59] Brad: And they’re like, [00:51:00] Oh, that’s a funny looking board and they put their 5’8 back into the board bank, go to the car. Who’s that

[00:51:04] Alex: kook on the log,

[00:51:05] Rudy: man? Or even worse. He’s not even wearing a leash. I say it all the time. When I look around, it’s like these people brought a knife to a gunfight. Oh, yeah. You’re not even close.

[00:51:15] Rudy: By the time you catch one wave, I’ve caught 12. It’s hydrodynamics, man. It’s physics.

[00:51:21] Carlos: I’ll tell you what, between being 15 when I started serving here until I was at least 35, I wrote nothing beyond 5’10 Because that’s what was A deciment to the non diversity of Cirque I missed a lot of days where I could have served.

[00:51:37] Carlos: Yeah, right? With the wrong board. And I think you start I think Let’s take diversity into, again, skill, or perhaps, you know, knowledge of your equipment and say, you should have equipment for the right conditions.

[00:51:53] Rudy: Change equipment, right? You know what I mean? You need a quiver here. You need a quiver. You need a quiver anywhere.

[00:51:58] Rudy: You have wind chop, you have knee high [00:52:00] glass, you have south swells, south chop, south glass, you have hurricane surf. You’re making this sound like a real surf destination. Chill out. Chill out. If you have a hurricane here in the morning, it could be glass, but two hours into that, it’s pure, you know, eight foot chop.

[00:52:21] Rudy: And then maybe it’s In the evening it becomes glassy. It’s a weird one. If you’re not ready for that shit, you’re in trouble.

[00:52:27] Alex: And, and, and look, including me, man, like I grew up on Mick Fanning VHS tapes and like, you know, I remember going to BC Surf Shop and all they had were like, you know, Channel Islands, you know, three fin potato chips.

[00:52:42] Alex: And that’s

[00:52:42] Brad: what we’re selling.

[00:52:43] Alex: Yeah. And that’s what was hot because you, you know, the, the circuits were on, you know, I mean, Blue

[00:52:50] Felipe: Crush. Yeah. Blue

[00:52:52] Alex: Crush, dude. Blue Crush. The reality is, size matters. Alright?

[00:52:57] Brad: Size matters. Always. What about traveling? I [00:53:00] mean, this place is a crossroad, so there’s gotta be a big travel scene, right?

[00:53:05] Brad: You guys To leave or to have people come here? No, to go on, you know, people travel to surf here? Or people go to travel elsewhere? Yeah! So everyone can travel. What’s the story in Miami? Miami. Miami. You have to, you’re never, you need a microphone. I don’t think

[00:53:21] Rudy: you’ll get good at surfing unless you travel.

[00:53:24] Rudy: If you live in Miami facts, like 100 percent

[00:53:28] Carlos: go back to what, um, they said is if you’re really interested, if you really have the will to do it, you’re going to look for ways with surfing and say that may involve travel. I’ll give you a 30 seconds snippet. My brother in law, he’s 53 years old. He just decided to learn how to, how to surf now.

[00:53:44] Carlos: You know like a year ago, and he’s been out here in a foamy for a while He booked the trip to Costa Rica because you know he really wanted to do it So if you’re really into it whether it’s middle aged or not sorry Mike Whether it’s middle aged or early age if you really want to like develop your skill if you really would like to [00:54:00] travel I mean, I’m sorry if you really like to surf You’re going to find ways to do it.

[00:54:03] Carlos: Whether it was us going up coast. Or getting a bigger board. Or getting a bigger board. Or buying an airplane. I don’t really

[00:54:10] Rudy: believe In order for you to get better at surfing, or even start having true fun, and connecting the dots, you need time on the wave. And an open mind. Or you need time on the wave.

[00:54:23] Rudy: You need to be able to Approach a face, a long face. It’s open. You could try different surfboards,

[00:54:31] Alex: try different equipment.

[00:54:32] Rudy: People that are surfing or whose approach are different. If I go to El Salvador, if I go to New York, if I go to LA, all of them are surfing different. And the culture is different. You learn from all of them.

[00:54:43] Rudy: I go to, that’s why we’re doing this

[00:54:44] Brad: podcast. Thanks. Good, good promo.

[00:54:50] Sofia: Just saying that’s the way it works for all outdoor sports. You’re not. Oh, give her a

[00:54:54] Brad: microphone. Come on.

[00:54:59] Brad: Sophia on the mic. [00:55:00] [00:55:01] Sofia: That’s the way it works for all outdoor sports. If you’re going to start hiking in Colorado, you’re not going to just hike Colorado. You want to get good at all altitudes, at all weather conditions. I mean, you have to switch it up in order to get better.

[00:55:18] Alex: Take a different approach from time to time.

[00:55:21] Sofia: Yeah. You want to be good at ACE. If you want to be good at an outdoor sport, you have to change constantly the conditions you’re in so that you have that versatility and you’re actually through and through good at it.

[00:55:35] Brad: Right. Yeah. Outdoor sports. Is surfing a sport? Oh Lord. Do you regret inviting me? I was like, this is like, we’ve been doing this for a little while already.

[00:55:47] Brad: That might be for another show. Um, I mean, that’s, that’s the, I mean, that’s the whole idea about this podcast is, is that question, like what is surfing to you?

[00:55:59] Alex: And [00:56:00] it’s different for everybody. And I think that’s, what’s beautiful about surfing that everyone can, anyone and everyone can look at it a different way and that’s okay.

[00:56:11] Brad: All right. Where do you think surfing is going? Surfing is dead. Surfing is dead. Rudy keeps on saying surfing is dead. I was like, it’s alive and well, you’re just

[00:56:21] Robert: living in the wrong place.

[00:56:24] Rudy: Hey, surfing is dead. Give up. It’s funny, I say it all the time, but sometimes I feel like it’s true. There’s such an influx of something happens when things get saturated that it loses its essence.

[00:56:43] Rudy: At times and maybe it needs to reset. It becomes mass produced. It just loses its essence. The last big the last season here It was so saturated full of people That you by default just become that [00:57:00] You just you’re in that crowd. There’s nothing you could do about it. And in my head I don’t want to be this.

[00:57:06] Rudy: I want nothing to do with these people. I can’t even surf a wave without Having to, Hey, listen, this, you know, you have to kind of educate people. Every time I get up on a way, it gets stupid. It’s like, this is not why I

[00:57:18] Caleb: surf. There’s something really difficult about like when the problem, the biggest problem with surfing is the crowd.

[00:57:25] Caleb: And then by showing up, you’re playing. Part of that problem. That fucks with me really hard. Well,

[00:57:31] Rudy: there’s no solution.

[00:57:32] Caleb: Yeah, it’s like, I gotta just go home. Cause there’s too many people and I’m not getting anybody else to go home. So, I’m done.

[00:57:39] Carlos: I’ll challenge you there. I think it’s having a renaissance.

[00:57:42] Carlos: Honestly, it’s not the surfing days of the late 90’s or 2000’s where it was just cool and you know, everybody was listening to Blink 182. Now you’re having, you know, little background shops making, you know, twin fans and making single fans and making funny boards. And people are just, if you’re into it, [00:58:00] it’s because you, it’s because you, you know, you want to do it.

[00:58:03] Carlos: So to a certain extent, if you’re in it, it’s because you want to do it. I guess I

[00:58:08] Rudy: mean something deeper. I mean, I think a few years ago, I saw Miami changing. Oh, Oh, hold on a minute. Counselor.

[00:58:19] Brad: Thank you, Surfing’s attorney is just stepped into the bus. I hope this is a good meeting.

[00:58:26] Raul: My lawyer.

[00:58:27] Brad: Introduce yourself, please.

[00:58:29] Raul: What’s going on, what’s going on?

[00:58:32] Brad: Long time listener, first time caller. Nah, Josh has been here

[00:58:40] Alex: before.

[00:58:41] Brad: Josh has some nice boards. Josh Gross.

[00:58:44] Alex: I

[00:58:45] Raul: think you guys know me.

[00:58:46] Brad: We’re out there. We’re trying to answer the question. Where is surfing going? And, and this is all really like, what does surfing mean to you as a person that surfs or grew up surfing in Miami?

[00:58:56] Brad: You know, this is sort of like locally focused on on what the culture is [00:59:00] here. And, and we’ve asked a bunch of different questions and you know, where, where’s it going now?

[00:59:06] Raul: Well, I didn’t grow up surfing here. I didn’t grow up surfing. I started surfing when I was like 20. Oh, so he’s one of the problem that we, problem people that we were talking about.

[00:59:16] Raul: So I probably killed, I

[00:59:18] Brad: killed surfing. Oh, Josh killed surfing.

[00:59:21] Robert: Yeah.

[00:59:22] Brad: At least we have a person to blame now, thank God. This

[00:59:25] Robert: is the face of the dead, sir. Yeah. But

[00:59:27] Alex: Josh is one of those guys that understands the hydrodynamics and the physics of surfing. And the culture.

[00:59:34] Felipe: Josh is chill. He has a sensitivity. Of course, I mean, yeah, please, we’re all kidding.

[00:59:39] Felipe: No

[00:59:39] Brad: one beat up Josh in the parking lot or anything.

[00:59:42] Felipe: No, but like, Josh is chill, he understands, but like, I still can’t help it, but like, make fun of him sometimes. Like, cause, in a friendly way, cause Like, let’s say a swell comes, he’s like, Oh dude, I’m going golfing. And it’s like, that’s like the joke. I’m like, every time the swell comes, this guy, like, Oh, this guy’s got to go golfing.

[00:59:58] Brad: But like, that’s, he’s being well rounded. And [01:00:00] if you want to live in Miami,

[01:00:00] Felipe: I know, but like part of like, I guess that’s

[01:00:03] Brad: where surfing’s going, golfing, surfing is going, golfing,

[01:00:07] Felipe: surfing is definitely going golfing. There’s a trend. There is a trend there. But I’d

[01:00:11] Raul: always post like, you know, know your limits, that whole thing.

[01:00:14] Raul: Like when a big swells come and stay on the beach, if you can. And it’s like, I grew up. What I grew up doing was playing basketball. That was like my sport. And it’s like the same thing when you go to the park, like you got to know which court you should be on, you know, first court, second court, third court.

[01:00:29] Raul: And like, if you’re going on first court and like, you don’t have the skills or the, what happens,

[01:00:36] Brad: like you’re, you’re going to hit whatever, like, yeah, you’re going to get hurt.

[01:00:40] Raul: You’re going to get. Very, you know, aggressively asked to, to leave and go play where you belong. You get checked exactly to be there lap.

[01:00:50] Raul: You get checked.

[01:00:52] Rudy: That’s going away. That’s the problem in all disciplines. When you are younger and you were there, you knew like, oh, you don’t go there, the skate [01:01:00] park, or you don’t cut this person off. You go out

[01:01:01] Alex: this time.

[01:01:02] Rudy: You go out that time and,

[01:01:03] Alex: and, and look to, to add to that, when I was 14 and I started serving here, like.

[01:01:09] Alex: I don’t want to name drop, but there are still guys who surf here that I looked up to and I admired. And I was like, I’m not going to get in that guy’s way. You know? And I think that it takes a little bit of, of like just common knowledge and common sense to asking a lot of people, confidence. And I feel like that’s, that

[01:01:30] Raul: that’s kind

[01:01:30] Alex: of gone

[01:01:31] Raul: now, you know, like As like, kind of like the outsider of like coming into surfing at that age here, I knew that about surfing.

[01:01:41] Raul: Like, you know, that even as a non surfer, you know, that aspect, the localism and the, the aggro surfer, like, that’s just like a thing in pop culture. But one thing that I thought, and I still think is dope about this community here is like, everybody’s pretty chill, you know, pretty like, [01:02:00] You know, stoked when somebody’s catching a wave if it’s their first time surfing.

[01:02:05] Raul: Wow,

[01:02:06] Brad: how the times have changed. That is not the report that I would have got from anybody that grew up surfing earlier. Maybe nowadays that is the culture. Yeah,

[01:02:13] Alex: I mean, I try to do it, man. Like, if you’re in the water with me, I’m hyping you up, dude. Like, every wave you’re going for, I’m like screaming.

[01:02:22] Raul: I can’t take myself that seriously in anything I do.

[01:02:25] Raul: You know, even if it’s a foot high. It’s

[01:02:28] Alex: like that did not exist when I was 14, you know, like, like it was like, you, you better get out of my way. Like, who, who are you? Like your kid, like, get out of here. You know,

[01:02:44] Brad: that’s a big change. It’s

[01:02:46] Rudy: like,

[01:02:47] Brad: yeah,

[01:02:49] Rudy: Brad, what do you see surfing?

[01:02:53] Brad: Well, flipping the script. Yeah.

[01:02:55] Brad: Um, well, I think like surfing in the ocean [01:03:00] is hard and the conditions are so like unpredictable. And I mean, even with all the technology, I think most of these people that I’ve picked up surfing in the last, like, whatever, three or four years, like during the COVID times, um, they’ll drop it. They’re going to drop it probably.

[01:03:15] Brad: Is it because it’s

[01:03:15] Alex: so easily accessible now?

[01:03:17] Brad: It’s, like, the ocean’s always been there, surfing’s always been there, we’ve had booms and busts in surfing. And, like, I’m old enough now to have been through some of them, and

[01:03:27] Alex: Thank you, surfing hasn’t always been there, though. Um And those daily reports?

[01:03:31] Brad: Dadeco Surf was there.

[01:03:33] Brad: And before it was Dayco Surf, it was [email protected] slash cook. I mean, I remember having to call Surf line,

[01:03:41] Carlos: making phone calls, island Water,

[01:03:43] Brad: making those phone calls to seven, six Surf. Yeah. What’s Brad?

[01:03:46] Rudy: Where? Where is surfing right now? Is it on the uptrend or downtrend? Where in Miami? Yeah, I Florida.

[01:03:53] Brad: Like I think we’re probably in terms of popularity. I probably think we like hit our peak and it’s going to now [01:04:00] or a few years ago now now in terms of participation, it’s like a work remote kind of thing. Yeah. Like everyone was like, we talked about this a little bit before you got here, Josh, but like people who just were sitting at home, they couldn’t do anything.

[01:04:11] Brad: Then all of a sudden they’re allowed to go outside. No one wanted to be around sick people. People rediscovered the outdoors. Cool. They all decided to do all this different stuff. I mean, Sophia is talking about hiking and all that. People bought out bought all this hiking gear like mad

[01:04:26] Alex: people are walking around Soho and Salamons and Arc’teryx Like this whole thing

[01:04:33] Brad: now like all right, but guess what it’s like what hiking is only fun for some people and all the people that took it up as like sort of like a Oh, maybe I’ll try this.

[01:04:42] Brad: All those Salomon boots are going to be for sale on an off ramp scene. What happened with golf, you

[01:04:45] Raul: say? A lot of people started playing golf, and golf is fucking hard, and so is surfing, too, so. And all those golfers, there’s going to be all those golf clubs for sale for you, too. Play tennis.

[01:04:54] Carlos: Yeah. Tennis, golf.

[01:04:56] Carlos: Eat and

[01:04:57] Brad: drink. That’s it. Tennis is on the [01:05:00] up. Surfing is going to go to the, surfing is going to the pools. For sure. Well, I mean, look

[01:05:04] Alex: at the 60s.

[01:05:04] Alia: I’m okay with that. To try to surf pools. Not everyone can afford that.

[01:05:09] Rudy: As long as they don’t make it illegal to surf in the ocean, I want more people to go to the pools.

[01:05:17] Rudy: I’m totally for that. As a matter of fact, that would make surfing illegal. Great again, great, great surfing. Great again, build more

[01:05:27] Brad: wave pools, leave the ocean to be in pools. So you’re telling me you’re gonna make surfing great again by putting all those kind of people into like their own little areas.

[01:05:38] Brad: You mean the Tik Toks?

[01:05:40] Rudy: You said it on me.

[01:05:41] Brad: I’ll just paraphrase it.

[01:05:44] Rudy: I think it’s that, and you got a lot of people out there for the last couple of seasons and all of the surf breaks. We tried to take on surfing. Surfing is not easy. Do you guys? The learning

[01:05:55] Alex: curve is long. Have you guys heard of C list boards on, on [01:06:00] Instagram?

[01:06:00] Alex: It’s this account that literally like screen records and screenshots, everyone putting spots on blast or like kind of, like it’s, and, and he’s, he’s really honing in on how the internet and social media has. Inadvertently affected surfing. I wonder if indirectly I’ve heard that argument for so long. What about Everyone

[01:06:29] Brad: is like over it.

[01:06:31] Rudy: Indirectly, more people surfing. Doesn’t that help the surf industry? Well, that’s another point. The surf shapers. Doesn’t

[01:06:39] Brad: that create innovation? For sure it could. I mean, yeah. So anytime there’s like a lot of money flowing into any industry. Somebody just

[01:06:46] Rudy: pocketing everything.

[01:06:47] Brad: No, no. Like you would hope that at least some of it is like moving some technology further.

[01:06:51] Brad: And yeah, our wetsuits are better. surfboard designs have changed a lot over the years. There’s surfboards are running like it’s a lot. We’re saying

[01:06:58] Rudy: since COVID. It’s a [01:07:00] problem. We’ve had is all

[01:07:02] Brad: that money is probably going. Back into like, I mean, there’s probably some like

[01:07:06] Rudy: wavestorms. Do

[01:07:08] Brad: we need to

[01:07:08] Rudy: buy the stocks?

[01:07:09] Rudy: There

[01:07:10] Brad: is like a whole, yeah, like there is a lot of that and that’s probably sucking up most of the money. And you’ll see a lot of guys that work in the industry, like talk about this stuff, but there is like other underground shapers that I’ve like, Oh, wow. Now I have like a lot of orders and like, I can like make a living.

[01:07:26] Brad: Yeah. I’m selling it to kooks from the Valley, but at least I’m selling boards. Oh no. They’re part of the problem. You know, it’s like I, you guys are part of the problem. You’re sitting here talking about surfing. Sh you know, that’s why I,

[01:07:39] Rudy: I used to have that Instagram Patta, suya surf Club. Uh, I stopped it, COVID happened.

[01:07:43] Rudy: I was like, uh, it’s dead. I’m not gonna be part of the problem. And I felt that I was somehow, same concepts. You’re out there surfing. You’re, you’re one of them. I don’t know what the, what’s the problem? What is this problem? I, it’s oversaturated. [01:08:00] I don’t

[01:08:01] Alia: think it’s going to be a permanent problem. Like you said, there’s such a long learning curve.

[01:08:04] Alia: Like, it took years to get like even semi decent at surfing where you’re trying to even do a maneuver in florida specifically. We don’t have consistent waves. You have to be able to like look at the forecast and actually get into it. And then when things start picking back up again, people are working and they’re going back to like what was normal pre covid.

[01:08:25] Alia: And I feel like there was like a peak and like brad said, it’s trending back down again. I’ve known people who were like ripping when I started surfing and they just got so sick of the inconsistency in Florida that they started getting into fishing and other stuff. Like I don’t think people who are just now getting into it are going to stick with it.

[01:08:42] Alia: Not all of

[01:08:43] Rudy: them. We’re going to see this Saturday.

[01:08:45] Alia: Yeah. I’m not saying

[01:08:49] Brad: that everyone’s going to drop out. I mean,

[01:08:51] Alia: no, for sure. Not everyone, but I don’t think everyone’s going to stick with it either. And also traveling’s opened my eyes up to the fact that there’s still a lot [01:09:00] of like frontiers to be discovered.

[01:09:02] Alia: There’s places that people don’t surf. There’s still a lot of places with empty waves. Exactly. And not everyone’s going to be willing to travel to them. It’s just a matter of, there’s a

[01:09:11] Carlos: lot of places with better waves. Exactly. And the ocean’s

[01:09:14] Alia: massive. I’m sorry, but I think that there. Is enough room for the people who are interested in surfing to be able to, to surf.

[01:09:22] Alia: And I don’t think that COVID boom is going to stay so saturated.

[01:09:27] Rudy: You’re making surfing great again.

[01:09:29] Brad: The other thing that’s coming is colder water surfing. I want to go get a spray tan and really push it. As wetsuits get better, people are going to realize, like, ah. Not so bad. Like I can do this here. And like, there’s a lot

[01:09:41] Caleb: of coast in Canada.

[01:09:43] Brad: You know what? I actually,

[01:09:44] Caleb: I was introduced to a new idea. Meet us out there. If you can handle it, I probably won’t actually be there. So it’s fine.

[01:09:54] Brad: I’ve already heard that, you know, in some places where people grew up serving in colder water, they’re taking surf trips to [01:10:00] places with colder water. Like, yeah, I got two five mils and seven mil booties and gloves.

[01:10:04] Brad: Like, Let’s go, it’s, where is it? Yeah, like, sick, I’ll go on that surf trip.

[01:10:08] Raul: You were telling me that, you were telling me that about Chile, right? Like, the people who travel to Chile are like, Irish.

[01:10:14] Alex: What’s Chile? I don’t, I don’t know what Chile is. The country? Yeah, I’m just

[01:10:19] Caleb: kidding. We don’t name spots on this show, we’re getting too location specific.

[01:10:25] Caleb: Oh yeah, well, no, Chile’s, Chile’s, Chile’s specific. I don’t know what’s too general, Chile’s general. That’s generally not, no.

[01:10:31] Brad: But like, there’s like a, there’s like a migration that goes on between like It’s a joke. The guys that’ll go in Ireland and the guys that’ll go to Chile, they’ll be like, Okay, let’s go take a surf trip to Chile because we got the wetsuits, like, that’s warm for us.

[01:10:42] Rudy: In the United States, there’s few places that you can live year round and surf. It’s not that many.

[01:10:50] Brad: I mean California? Even like the North Shore, you know, like, goes flat.

[01:10:54] Rudy: But that’s not kind of, that’s not the United States. Let’s be real here. The United [01:11:00] States, California is one.

[01:11:03] Brad: Yeah, Washington. I mean, the whole West Coast is going to be way more consistent.

[01:11:07] Brad: Yeah. New Smyrna Beach is probably the most consistent. Yeah, you can

[01:11:09] Felipe: surf New Smyrna every day.

[01:11:11] Rudy: You can surf New Smyrna every day? Yeah.

[01:11:12] Brad: It’s pretty darn consistent as far as things go on the East Coast. And then, yeah, like, Outer Banks is very consistent. It sticks way the hell out there. There’s a lot of coastline to be exploring.

[01:11:23] Brad: You know, and even up in the mid Atlantic, like, we get way more waves there than here. And if you’re on it, on it, you can surf New Smyrna. Pretty frequently.

[01:11:31] Robert: Yeah,

[01:11:31] Brad: especially like these winter seasons and things like that. But is it California? Hell no, you can’t be like, hey this two weekends from now. We’re gonna have a little picnic at San Onofre Let’s go surfing and like meet up with all of our friends like California You can do that and chances are like you can go surfing like nine times out of ten And also the weather’s probably gonna be nice and it’s gonna be warm like so If you had a place to live,

[01:11:58] Rudy: if you had to pick a spot to live in the [01:12:00] United States, where would you live?

[01:12:02] Rudy: Finances aside. Miami.

[01:12:07] Alex: Surfing is dead.

[01:12:11] Brad: Yeah, I don’t know. I mean, the idea is to travel. Like, home base is Miami. Always. Travels. Travel from here is easy. I find that you travel like

[01:12:20] Rudy: long period travel. Three months here, four months there. Yeah,

[01:12:23] Brad: Month there, six weeks here, three months there. No, that thing is all screwed.

[01:12:29] Brad: Alex is trying to get me to put the Instagram live on but um, I think we may be timed out. I think I forgot like it’s like after 30 minutes or an hour.

[01:12:37] Rudy: She’s dead.

[01:12:38] Brad: Well, um,

[01:12:44] Rudy: I love you freaks.

[01:12:46] Brad: I think, I think Rudy’s right on that one. I think, I think we got, I think we got an episode here. Yeah.

[01:12:51] Alex: You gotta have

[01:12:53] Robert: time,

[01:12:53] Alex: that’s

[01:12:53] Brad: for sure.

[01:12:54] Brad: This is, uh, episode one, season three of Talk Story.

[01:12:59] Rudy: Next one is in El [01:13:00] Salvador, I hear.

[01:13:00] Brad: The next one is gonna be in El Salvador. Yeah. If I can get this equipment to work properly and Caleb coaches me through it. And, um, yeah, so if anybody wants to come down and do the podcast, we’ll do that maybe like, I don’t know, next week or the week after or something, down, uh, Hotel Mishanti.

[01:13:16] Brad: And then, um Yeah, who knows where I would go from there. Probably bounce around El Salvador a little bit and maybe come back this way and do Another one another location. So if you want us to come by and do it Where you are, let us know and anytime that we are recording. This is the idea come by let us know like what’s happening in your in your world of surfing and your town and What do you think’s gonna happen with this whole thing?

[01:13:39] Felipe: Aloha

[01:13:40] Brad: Thanks everybody for listening. Uh, it’s on all the things Spotify and iTunes and YouTube and Instagram and, and Facebook. You can even find us on LinkedIn.

[01:13:50] Caleb: Rate it, like it, subscribe to it, do all the things cause it makes it bigger and better and in your ear holes more.

[01:13:58] Brad: Hit all the buttons. Yeah. [01:14:00] And

[01:14:00] Alex: listen to the Ramones.

[01:14:03] Brad: Thanks, uh, for listening. Everybody for playing along. Uh, oh we gotta

[01:14:07] Caleb: do a clap. Yeah, do another one. And everybody does it at once, it’s useless. One person.

[01:14:17] Caleb: Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Thank You Surfing Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and comment to stay updated and let us know your thoughts. Catch you next time, and keep surfing.